Monday, May 9, 2011

Windsurfing Essentials need to concentrate at the choice of place

If you decide to windsurf, you will need a good physical preparation, time for training and a lot of money on equipment and instruction. But to start all of this you need to concentrate at the choice of place. For those who are just beginners we are offering a list of places to go for windsurfing and surely the most interesting and useful tips.
Plescheevo lake, Russia
This is a huge expanse of water 120 kilometers from Moscow in the ancient Russian town of Pereslavl-Zaleski. A place chosen by the windsurfers long ago. Now on windy days the whole surface of the reservoir is dotted with wooden boards. The Beach has everything you need for the followers of windsurfing: schools, rentals, cheap hotels, camping and parking.
Tips for Newcomers: do not try to immediately buy equipments. First, work out a week or two and then decide whether to continue: with any school must have a solid rental. If the answer is positive and the desire has not disappeared think about buying them out.

Istra Reservoir, Russia

To try to ride on a board, one does not necessarily have to go to distant lands. Windsurfing can de done even in the suburbs of Moscow. It’s convenient: if you do not like it – it would be easy to stop the lessons and to go home. Istra Reservoir is located so that even with the strong wave it’s always possible to find a place for training.
Tips for Newcomers: choosing a club, find out how many sessions are designed for beginners course, what programs are learned, how many people will be in the group, whether the cost of training includes equipment rental. Usually the cost of individual training is about 15-20 euros per hour, the group – about 7-10 euros per hour without equipment rental.

Lake Garda, Italy

This huge reservoir is situated in the north of Italy. Sometimes it’s called the analogue of Pleescheeva lake. The special combination of surrounding mountains and plains creates a real wind tunnel with a constant wind. The water is not hot, so the wetsuit is needed. If you are tired of training, you can rest, inspecting nearby Verona and Venice.
Tips for Newcomers: wetsuit – this is probably the first thing that is worth spending the money on for the beginner windsurfers. Even in warm countries, you will always be in the wind and quickly freeze to death! In addition, the suit protects your body not only from cold, but also on uneven planks of which are easy to scratch your body. Even if you decide to give up windsurfing, the costume is handy for snorkeling or just swimming in cool seas. A decent “dress” will cost around 100-200 dollars. Good idea to have it also in hydroparks. They will help you stay on board and save the legs, if the bottom will be sand which is not that soft and sharp edges.

Cyclades Islands, Greece

Centre for the Greek windsurfing – the islands in the Aegean Sea. Special wind rise provides a constant steady wind from the north. It is particularly strong in Paros and Naxos in the summer, when there are various international competitions in windsurfing are being held. Good conditions for surfing are also in the spring and autumn.
Tips for Newcomers: before you make your own board, decide the style of riding, since a simple slip on the surface need long free-rider board, for a super-speed – slalom, if you want to master the jumps – very easy free-sliders, and to overcome the waves – little wavings. Do not forget that not all airlines allow sporting equipments free of charge. If you go on a journey with your gear, find out about a specific airline.

Alaçatı, Turkey

On the west coast of the Turkish peninsula of Cesme is a great resort for windsurfers – Alaçatı. This place is ideal for beginners: shallow water extends hundreds of meters from the shore. The best time for surfing in the region of Anatolia – from June to August: summer north wind creates conditions for high-speed surfing on calm water, a little earlier or after the “high” season is good weather and accommodation prices with much lower prices. In winter, southern winds cause high waves, which will enjoy only experienced extreme lovers.
Tips for Newcomers: carefully choose a place for the first experiments with the board. For learning from scratch you need a constant wind and a huge shoal with a depth of no more than five feet with a good sandy bottom without protruding from the water huge stone blocks.

Hurghada, Egypt

The popular resort suits everyone – fans of the passive recreation on the beach lounge chair, and active individuals and enthusiasts of diving, snorkeling or windsurfing. Last draws a steady breeze and low prices for accommodation and rental equipment. Another well-known “surfboards” place in this country – Dahab. The best time for surfing here – fall and spring.
Tips for Newcomers: Hurghada – universal resort – this is an exception. Having decided to go on the coast for windsurfing, do not expect that in their spare time you will be to able to have a normal “beach” lifestyle. This sport needs wind, and then simply sunbathe and swim in the majority surfing spots will be uncomfortable.


Andalusian Costa de la Luz attracts windsurfers from all over Europe all year round. Strong wind, covered with beautiful soft sand beaches – a real dream of every enthusiastic sportsman. The most popular place – the town Tarifa is at the extreme southern tip of Spain and the entire continent. Here, in the Strait of Gibraltar, between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean, windsurfing is possible all year round.
Tips for Newcomers: this resort is best to go to those who already are well able to deal with a sail, because the rocky beach is not suitable for first lessons, at a depth of a strong wind you can easily carry away your board out to sea and return to shore with no experience will be very difficult. Thus this particular place is much better for more advanced surfers.

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